Dari 8hb Julai hingga ke hari ini empat hari Selasa dah dilewati.. 3 hari lagi cukuplah sebulan.. aku ingat Peguam Najib yang dilaporkan terbang ke US itu dah mulakan tindakan saman terhadap WSJ.. belum rupanya..
Menurut Peguamnya Najib masih belum mengarahkan pasukan Peguamnya untuk memfailkan tuntutan mahkamah terhadap Wall Street Journal (WSJ) berkaitan dua artikel mengenai skandal 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).
Oleh itu, Wan Azmir Wan Majid dari firma undang-undang yang mewakili Najib, mengesahkan kepada Malay Mail Online bahawa peguam Perdana Menteri masih tidak mengambil sebarang tindakan terhadap penerbit penerbitan yang berpangkalan di AS, Dow Jones & Co.
Bagaimanapun pada 25 Julai, akhbar akhbar tempatan berbahasa Cina Sin Chew Daily memetik seorang peguam yang tidak dinamakan sebagai berkata bahawa peguam Najib Datuk Hafarizam Wan Harun dan Datuk Firoz Hussein Ahmad Jamaluddin dijangka terbang ke Amerika Syarikat untuk memfailkan tuntutan mahkamah di sana terhadap Dow Jones .
Ketika diminta mengesahkan laporan tersebut, Wan Azmir berkata, beliau hanya boleh mengesahkan bahawa kedua-dua ke luar negara, tetapi enggan mendedahkan tujuan perjalanan mereka atau negara mana mereka telah pergi.
"Memang benar bahawa pasangan saya (Datuk Hafarizam) dan Datuk Firoz ke luar negara. Saya tidak boleh mengesahkan ke mana, saya tidak boleh mengesahkan untuk apa," katanya.
KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 5 ― Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak has yet to instruct his legal team to file a lawsuit against Wall Street Journal (WSJ) over two of its articles last month on the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) controversy, his lawyer has confirmed.
As such, Wan Azmir Wan Majid, who is from the law firm representing Najib, confirmed with Malay Mail Online that the prime minister’s lawyers have not made any move against the US-based publication’s publisher Dow Jones & Co.
“It's still status quo. We have not gotten instructions,” he told Malay Mail Online when contacted.
In an article on July 2, WSJ, citing documents from Malaysian investigators scrutinising 1MDB’s financials, said a money trail showed that US$700 million (RM2.6 billion) had been channelled into what appeared to be the prime minister’s accounts.
The report said, however, that the source of the funds was unknown although it noted that it was the first time that Najib had been linked to the probe on the troubled state investor.
WSJ's July 2 report and a subsequent July 6 opinion piece on the same matter saw Najib's lawyers later asking the publication to clarify if the two articles had meant to accuse their client of misappropriating US$700 million from 1MDB.
Dow Jones responded within the 14-day deadline given by the prime minister’s lawyers, saying in their reply letter that the request for clarification was unnecessary as the two articles ― the July 2 news report titled “Malaysia leader’s accounts probed” and the opinion piece on July 6 titled “Scandal in Malaysia” — spoke for themselves and were based on available facts.
Since Dow Jones' reply on July 21, there has been no update from Najib’s team on the prime minister’s next course of action.
On July 25, however, local newspaper Chinese-language newspaper Sin Chew Daily quoted an unnamed lawyer as saying that Najib's lawyers Datuk Hafarizam Wan Harun and Datuk Firoz Hussein Ahmad Jamaluddin were expected to fly to the US to file the lawsuit there against the Dow Jones.
When asked to verify the Sin Chew Daily report, Wan Azmir said he could only confirm that the duo went abroad, but declined to disclose the purpose of their trip or which country they had flown to.
“It's true that my partner (Datuk Hafarizam) and Datuk Firoz went overseas. I cannot confirm where, I cannot confirm what,” he said.
See more at The Malay Mail Online
Berapa kali Selasa lagi agaknya kita perlu tunggu??
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